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  •  This website is Adults Only. Please leave if you're under 18. I produce, consume and discuss a lot of adult art. As a result, I'm very eager to fence off this stuff to the best of my ability. I can only do so much, but I hope to make my intentions clear.

  •  This site is always under construction. Expect to see some experimental features here and there.

  •  This site updates whenever I feel inclined. I don't keep an update log anymore, so check in whenever you like.

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  What's New (08/01/25)

The Dungeon Keeper 2 Shrine has recieved a much-needed visual overhaul. Oh, and finally, an old-style sidebar that's mobile-friendly and can actually be on the left of the screen! I used PetraPixel's Layout Generator and wow, it's much better than Sadgrl's. Easier to style, much more toggles for mobile and an all-around sleeker design. If I had to suggest one extra thing for it, I hope it gets an in-built styleswitcher so I can make it have a light-dark toggle.