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  •  This website is Adults Only. Please leave if you're under 18. I produce, consume and discuss a lot of adult art. As a result, I'm very eager to fence off this stuff to the best of my ability. I can only do so much, but I hope to make my intentions clear.

  •  This site is always under construction. Expect to see some experimental features here and there.

  •  This site updates whenever I feel inclined. I don't keep an update log anymore, so check in whenever you like.

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  Latest Feature (15/12/24)

The NightNight feature is here. At 11pm, the website goes to sleep until 6:30am. You can still browse the pages if you're really desperate, but personally, I think you should go sleep instead. Forming healthy browsing habits is hard when there's so much fun stuff on the net, but your health should always come first.

If you'd like to try this insightful piece of javascript for yourself, look at [nightnight's webpage].