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Welcome to my ASCII art page. All of these were made by yours truly, and you're all completely allowed to use these on your own sites. I'd prefer you keep my name on these pieces, just so you know who did them. These will be updated at pure random, and you're likely to see some weird experimental ones too.

Biscione (28/03/24)

 (_______ o o  \>
  VVVVVVV\      \>
  ('O')___\      |>
 o=_o=____|      |>
  ^^^^^^^^^      />
        /___)   />__
        |___)       \>
         \__)__ uuu |>
        /____)   u  |>
        |__)   ____/>
        |___)     \>
         \__)__   |>
      prl   /_)  />
            |_) /> 
            \_) \>
             /  />

Another one of my special interests, besides vampires, is heraldry. Expect some heraldric creatures down the line.

Chunky Vampire Bat (23/03/24)

   ____              ____
   )   \   (\__/)   /   (
   )   /  ( -,,- )  \   (
    )  \. '      ' ./  (
     )_.            ._(
       .            .
        .    x     .
         '-.    .-' prl

Our fat vampire gentleman has to go get something..Wish him luck, his journey shall be long and arduous.

Cerberus (23/03/24)

      /\_/\  /\_/\ /\_/\
      e/ e | |e e| | e \e
     [0:   | [:0:] |   :0]
     ^ ^   \/ ^ ^ \/   ^ ^
       \              /
      _/              \_  prl
     / \    \____/    / \
     \  )   /    \   (  /
      [[[__/      \__]]]

Cerberus is here and it's fashionably late.

Upright Lion (23/03/24)

     / ,   , \     
    | (o/ \o) |    
    |=(::Y::)=| prl 
    \  (^_^)  /
     \__   __/
     /  \ /  \
    _| |   | |_
   / | |   | | \
  _\ | |___| | /_
 (,,(,,,) (,,,),,)

My second lion, this time he's sitting upright instead of...lion.

Werewolf Love (23/03/24)

                    Our love is as
     /\/\     /\/\   bright as the
    / u \u   u/ u \   fullest moon.
   /   [:0] [0:]   \
  /^    ^U^ ^U^    ^\_
  |^  \ ______/ / ^^|_)
  |^\  (_______/ ^^^|
  \^^\________)   ^^/ 
  /\^    \   /    ^/\
  \ |    |   |    | /
   V|   / prl \   |V
    |  (       )  |
    \__]]]   [[[__/

Even more werewolves, this time they're in love. Whatever love you want it to be is up to you.

Snarling Wolfman (23/03/24)

   ,,,   .;;;;;;;.   ,,,
  ( __)  ;;|o|o|;;  (__ )
   \  \  ;;| 0 |;;  /  /
    \  / ';\^-^/;  \  /
     \_|  '';;;''  |_/
        \         /
         )/\/\/\/( prl
        /  \___   \
       |   /   \   |
       |___|   |___|
        \   \ /   /
         )  | |  (
       [[[__/ \__]]]

Instead of a werewolf I wanted to do a wolfman.

Chunky Werewolf Resting (22/03/24)

        . ' ' ' ' .   (-/ -  )
      .'           '.(:0:)   |
(OOO)'               (^U^   /  prl
 (0) \ ___                  \ 
   \  \   )            \    |
 ___\___/           ___/    |
/__________________/  _____/

After an absence of a few hours, we're now back to our scheduled programming of chunky creatures. Enjoy.

Bulldog Gargoyle (22/03/24)

      /\___/\  / /   __(
      \D| D / / /   _(
      [:0:] | | |  _(
       /  /  \/ \   _)
      (^V^)      \__(
        /__/  /    \ prl
        \__\  \__   '..

A small four-legged gargoyle friend...Maybe more can join.

Witch Cat (22/03/24)

       /  \
      /    \ prl
    _/ ____ \_   _
   /___^__^___\ | |
 ___(=o . o=)___|_|
(___         ___(_)
    |       |   |_|
   (  _____  ) //|\\
   /_/     \_\ //|\\

A witch cat I made as a quickie. Big loveable monsters will return after these messages.

Chunky Werewolf Meal (22/03/24)

         -/ -  )
       (:0:)    \
        V V\     \
       (x,x)|    |
        OOO |     \__
       _^U^/ /       \
       \____/         \
    .'        ___\    |
   .         /        /
  .          \_______/ \
  '   o                |
   '                  /
    '.           .'    \
    /     ______/      /
    \     /     \     /\  prl
     )   |       )   |  \______
    [[[__/      [[[__/\_______/

My, what big eyes you have...You dummy, they're bigger than your stomach! Chew your food!

Sleeping Chunky (22/03/24)

       /\_/\           \ \
      (-/ - )\_        _\ \_
     (:0:)      '.--.'      \
      ^u^                    | prl
    .'               /      / .
   .'     |   |      \     /_   '. 
  .       /   /       \__    \   .  
  .      (,,,)           )   |   '
   .                    [[[__/   '
    '.                          .'
      ' . . . . . . . . . . . '

Another attempt to challenge myself, namely with that squishy belly there.

Chunky Werewolf 2 (22/03/24)

        /( - \-) 
       /   (:0:)  
     _/     ^u^ 
    /           '.
   /   /          '
   |  |   _     o '
   (,,,)   \     .'
   / /\   _/- .-'
  /_/ |  ( |  (  prl

A smaller version of the chunky werewolf. Nice to see I can round things off without having to make the piece too big.

Chunky Werewolf Sitting (21/03/24)

           /-/- \  
      ____[:0:]  \____
    /  .   ^u^         \
   /  '              \  \
   \  '__          __/  /
    \____\        /____/
     .'              '.
     '.    o         .' prl
     ( '              )_____
    OOO /'. . . '\ OOO_____/
    (O)/          \(O)

It's just chilling.

Chunky Vampire (21/03/24)

             (-   -)
          __(  v v  )__
          \  \ ^-^ /   /__
       \----/ \=0=/       \
    .'  \__/___\ /_______  \
    '   [__] \  |  /     \  |
    '.   ||   \ | /   '.  \ |
      './__\   \|/   .'__.'\|
      '.        |         ' | 
        ' .     |     . .'  |
         \  ' . . . '   /   | prl
          \    |  |    /    \
           \___|  |___/      \
          /____|..|____\. . . \ 

No, this isn't a "Fat person is eating, laugh at their slovenly ways!" sort of thing. I'm chunky myself, and I wanna see more chunky monsters going bump in the night...Especially fat vampires.

Chunky Werewolf (21/03/24)

           (-/ - \ _
          (:0:)___| |
          (^__^/    \
     .' '            \
   .'            \    |
  .              /    /
 '              /    /  prl
 '             (,,,,) '.       
 '                     .
  '             ..'    .\
   '  o        .'     .  \  
    '.       .'       )\  \
      '....' ( \     (  \  \
         )   /  )    /   \__|
       [[[__/  [[[__/

Needed to practice curves, but loved monsters too much to do "boring" normal shapes. Cue me doing some fat monsters for a little bit.

Mourning Raven 2 (21/03/24)

           (u u)
          / 'V  \
          |  /  |
          |  |  |
          |     |
       ___|     |___
      |             |
      |    R.I.P    |
      |____     ____|
          |     |  
          |     | prl
          |     |
        .'       '.
       .'         '.

Another mourning raven, somehow angstier than the first.

Bat 2 (20/03/24)

   ___  /\/\  ___
  /   \('..')/   \
  | |   (  )   | |      
   \/\/\ \/ /\/\/
        ()()     prl

A smaller, cuter bat.

Grim Reaper (20/03/24)

      \   ___  \    _______
      / .'   '. \  |  ____ \
      | ( O o ) |  |_/    \ \
      |  ) D (  |  | |    /_/
      |   ooo   |  | |   
    .'   \ /    '. | |
   .'     |      '.|_|
   '.     |        [_ \'.
   .'     \        [_ |  '
   '       |       [__/ .'
   '       |       | |.'
   '       /       | |
   ' prl .'.       | |
 .'.'.'.'   '.'.'.'|_|

Oh no, you died in an old point-and-click adventure- Oh, wait, that's just my reaper ASCII and his luscious curves.

Black Shuck (11/03/24)

   __(o) '.
  [D::]    '.______________
   ^^ \              ______)
      | |_|  /___\  /
      ) ) ) ) prl ) )
     OOO/OOO/    OOO/

A one-eyed Black Shuck, a ghostly dog from English folklore.

Vampire Werewolf Love (28/02/24)

         You are the creature
    /\/\    ____  of my night.
   / u u\  (u  u)
  /   [:o]  )vv(
(_)    | ___|_  ',
|^^    (____/     )
|^^  \____) |     |
\ ^   \     |     |
/\    |     |     |
| |  /      \     \
 V| (  prl  _\     \
  \_]]]    [__\_____\

When you're two goths in love. Or two monsters in love. Or both. Doesn't have to be romantic love either, hello to my fellow aromantics.

Werewolf (28/02/24)

    ^^^    | d b |    ^^^
   | O |   | / \ |   | O |
   \   |__/ [:0:] \__|   /
    \____           ____/
         \         /
          )       (  prl
         /         \
        /   /___\   \
        \  / | | \  /
        ) |  \ \  | (
      [[[_/   \_\ \_]]]

A werewolf that is supposed to be rearing up but it looks more interested in partying.

Vampire (28/02/24)

   ___  (e  e)  ___
 ,'( )',_)vv(_,'( )',
 | VVV    |'    VVV |
 |       /|\        |
 | /\/',/_|_\,'\/\  |
 \/    |  _  |    \/
       |_| |_| prl
      [__| |__]

I'm shocked this one didn't happen sooner.

Two-Headed Dog (27/02/24)

      /\_/\  /\_/\
     /d b  \/  d b\     
   [o:]    ||   [:o]  
    ^^ \   /\   /^^ 
      /          \  
     |    ____    |
     |   / || \   | prl
     [[[_)/  \(_]]]

I was thinking of Blood (The 90's First Person Shooter) while doing this one. I'd like to make a proper cerberus soon.

Mourning Raven (27/02/24)

        ( u >
    .''     ''.
    |    @    |  
    |  @@@@@  |
    |    @    |
    |    @    |
  \\|_________|// prl

Most stereotypically goth one of all my creations. Ah, the angst.

Lion 2 (27/02/24)

     / ,   , \     @
    | (o/ \o) |    \\
    |=(::Y::)=| prl \\
    \  (^_^)  /\____||
     \___  __/__  _  \_

A much smaller lion. I like this one far better, especially his cute whiskers and his adorable little eyebrows.

Sanguine (26/02/24)

  _     (:Y:)     _
 ( \___/  V  \___/ )
 /\____\     /____/\ 
 \⋆。°✩⊹/    \⋆。°✩⊹/
   )_₊⊹(  _  )₊⊹_(
    )__| | | |__( prl
      /__/ \__\  

My sona, Sanguine the Gargoyle. Even in ASCII form they look perturbed by something.

Lion (25/02/24)

                      /    "  "    \
                     /  { <>  <> }  \
                    /    \ /  \ /    \
                    |    (  V  )     |
             Pearl  |      v  v      |
            ________\       ^^      /
           /                       /
  __      |   ______               |  
 /  |_____|         \        |_____|___

First terrestrial animal and it's a lion. I love big cats. No particular type of lion, not for now, just a lion. He's my widest creature, and I want to keep it that way. Anything too wide breaks mobile interfaces.

Bat (25/02/24)

        _______           ________
       |      /           \       |
       | |    \___/\_/\___/   | | |
       \/\ |       O O       | /\/
          \/\ |  (     ) |  /\/
       Prl   \| _| u u |_| /
              \/  \ | /  \/

The first piece of ASCII art I've ever done! I took heavy reference from the bats over on The ASCII Art Archive! It's very...line-heavy, see, I saw a lot of "curved" pieces but I had no idea how to replicate that effect...yet.