Pearlnight's Bookmarks

Welcome to my bookmarks library

Here's all the websites I like. This is a list curated for my personal entertainment, but perhaps we share some of these creature comforts together. My favourites are marked with a star, but the others are marked if they contain sound or adult content (Which is a given for my old queer resources).

This page is periodically given new additions, while also being pruned of dead links, web-squatters and other irritating things. In the meantime, I'll try to archive pages featured here if they're not already hosted on the Wayback Machine. Above all, this list motivates me to stay curious and keep learning.

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Name Excerpt
A Brief History of LGBT Themes In Vampire Media “For whatever reason, vampires work best when sucking blood is a thinly veiled metaphor for sucking cock…”
Accessibility according to actual people with disabilities “If you have a disability, what’s the hardest thing about browsing the web?”
Against an Increasingly User-Hostile Web "We're quietly replacing an open web that connects and empowers with one that restricts and commoditizes people. We need to stop it."
Alt-texts: The Ultimate Guide "Many times the alt-text is not helpful, often even a waste of my time because it doesn’t convey any meaning."
Autistic as Fxxk's Manifesto An article that houses the autistic internet-user manifesto.
A website is like a puppy "It’s exciting and fun, but also comes with a lot of responsibility."
BUTCH: Not like the other girls Here's some cool photos of butches.
Can Your Website Fit on a Floppy Disk? "In my view, nothing inspires creativity like limitations."
Click here to read this article "It has been said over and over again; very few people actually read full articles unless they know it's worth it."
Death to Bullshit "Bullshit lies on a spectrum somewhere between ineptitude and outright deception."
Design Tenets of my Website "When successful, the website shall transmit a feeling of "unknowable depths" to visitors."
Discord is not an "everything app" "I don't think that anything important should be stored in Discord. It was never built to be anything but a chat app, and once you start using it beyond that, you run the risk of encountering major problems down the line."
Don’t Make Art for Likes: Social Media Pros and Cons "Because remember, these are tools that we use—we don’t have to let them use us."
Every site needs a Links Page / Why linking matters "Links are the lifeblood of the web, and linking to other sites is a declaration of independence."
Five Geek Social Fallacies "Social fallacies are particularly insidious because they tend to be exaggerated versions of notions that are themselves entirely reasonable and unobjectionable."
Gender: Euphoria in the Moonlight "at long last, it sank into my head: i could choose my own gender identity and define it however i wanted."
Hand tremors and the giant-button-problem "Have you ever clicked something by accident? Most of us have."
How to draw ideas "Great ideas are hard to find. Drawing makes it a lot easier. And fun. How?"
How to Respond to Criticism "Remember: criticism is the same thing as wholesale condemnation and also murder, so react accordingly."
How Websites Die "Trying to keep websites around forever is struggling against the nature of the web. I think, though, that that struggle is often worthwhile."
Inacessible (Accessible Version) "Nondisabled users can struggle to understand what it's like to be unable to use a website because of how it's designed. This page aims to communicate what it's like to be left out of the digital conversation."
Inacessible "Nondisabled users can struggle to understand what it's like to be unable to use a website because of how it's designed. This page aims to communicate what it's like to be left out of the digital conversation."
Intersex Variations Glossary "Welcome! This glossary was created to provide people-centered, educational definitions about a wide variety of intersex variations and how they can manifest in people's bodies."
Intro to the Web Revival #1: What is the Web Revival? "The Web Revival is about reclaiming the technology in our lives and asking what we really want from the tools we use, and the digital experiences we share."
It’s Not Your Writing That Sucks, It’s Your Mood "I used to think that, inevitably, there will always be days where writing is simply impossible."
Lesbian vampire movies "howdy, here's a page dedicated to collecting the lesbian* vampire trope. my current scope is just movies (and that's already a lot), but we'll see how things evolve."
Linkrot, or Website Existentialism "Maybe we can respect the loss of old work the same way we would look at a fallen tree or a carcass left to rot in the woods: as an invitation to new growth. Many oldweb fans already use the aesthetic bones of the corpse of Geocities to build anew."
Making Your Writing World Safe "My client is not alone. Whether they realize it or not, far too many writers are cruel to themselves when they write. From the moment they first think about sitting down to put words on the page to the day they begin to consider sending a manuscript out for possible publication, many writers transform their writing into a war zone and become their own worst enemies."
Mental Health Tips feat.Anxiety Wolf "But no technique will fully work if you believe that fear is an enemy to be "overcome" or "conquered". Or an annoying thing to "mindfully" put up with. As I was saying earlier: it took me a decade to finally figure it out, but fear is not an enemy. Fear is a friend."
Nitpicking and the fannish tithe "I wonder if the phenomenon is connected to the completist ethic. Even if a fan didn’t like a work, at least they know it. If they didn’t have it, its absence would eat at them."
Notes on Carmilla "can i say something. i don't like carmilla."
Not Just Dead, But Gay! Queerness and the Vampire "The vampire is the queerest of monsters."
On mobile phones, the small web, and able-bodied privilege "But even if you're not ready to take that leap yet...hey, you wanna remove that sentence from your homepage that says I'm a loser because I'm reading your website in bed right now, immobilized by pain? Yeah, thanks."
on writing to exist, and website graveyards "I believe websites will be future archaeological artefacts. I hope there’s a website graveyard where I can house this before I die."
Party Like It’s 1989 "You know what the Geocities aesthetic looks like, but let me tell you about the CERN aesthetic."
Please, enough with the dead butterflies! "If you hadn’t previously noted the difference between a living and a dead butterfly, I’m afraid you will now begin to see dead butterflies EVERYWHERE, as I do."
Rediscovering the Small Web "The small web still exists and has a lot to offer."
Reviving Ye Olde Personal Home Page "And in some ways these ancient powers of the internet are wiser than their progeny."
Surfing the (Human-Made) Internet "People often surmise that the web used to be good and is now very bad - that we screwed up and ruined the internet. Shame that happened, huh? Well, no, actually, the web is still pretty awesome."
The Access Manifesto A snippet from the 2002 book, Building Accessible Websites.
The Eight Golden Rules of Interface Design "No list such as this can be complete, but even the original list from 1985, has been well received as a useful guide to students and designers."
The Inaccessible Web Revival "There were many things to love about the “old web.” But I think the main reason people are drawn to old-school web design today is not strictly because of nostalgia or even a love for 90s aesthetics (though sometimes it is). Instead, I think it’s because the older web felt more people-orientated, and in today’s corporate internet-sphere, that’s something many crave to see back. So, if you’re thinking of building a site or already have one, make sure it’s just that: for people."
The Indie Web Manifesto "Education, information, culture and debate can only come from users, independent webmasters, academic or associative organizations."
The Internet that took over The Internet "To make people think about what they produce, to make them connect to their online content. It's like IKEA11: once you put time, and a minor amount of sweat - or swearing - into it, it'll feel more yours, than something comfortably delivered."
The Only Way to Beat Algorithms is to Retrain Your Audience "The problem is that everyone is stuck on social media."
The silent body horror of vampirism — an outline "the vampire is a marble statue but how must if feel like to not fear being immortalized in an unfinished state? trapped in a pristine temple, too beautiful to deface. perhaps not having a reflection is for the best."
The Slow Web "Fast Web is about information. Slow Web is about knowledge. Information passes through you; knowledge dissolves into you. And timeliness, rhythm, and moderation are all essential for memory and learning."
The small web is beautiful "Either way, I believe the “small web” is a compelling term and a compelling aesthetic. Not necessarily in the visual sense, but in the sense that you built it yourself, you understand all of it, and you run it on a single server or static file host."
The Website Obesity Crisis "To repeat a suggestion I made on Twitter, I contend that text-based websites should not exceed in size the major works of Russian literature."
This Page is Designed to Last "This is more than just link rot, it's the increasing complexity of keeping alive indie content on the web, leading to a reliance on platforms and time-sorted publication formats (blogs, feeds, tweets)."
Ultimate Motherfucking Website "Just a few Semantic HTML elements and a tiny bit of WAI-ARIA is all it fucking took to turn your shitty site into a fully accessible one."
Vampires Are Us - The Gay and Lesbian Review "Gay people, like vampires, have lost their alien status and no longer frighten people—including voters, whose fears cannot be so easily demagogued by right-wing politicians."
WebAIM’s Article Page An article that serves as a very extensive list of accessibility articles.
Words "We've become obsessed with fancy designs, responsive layouts, and scripts that do magical things. But the most powerful tool on the web is still words."

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Fun and Games

This section is split into two, but both types of games can be played on your computer with ease. Some games want you to download them, so if you need something more time-sensitive, try out the browser games below.

Browser Games

Name Description
Absurd Trolley Problems "Oh no! A trolley is heading towards 5 people. You can pull the lever to divert it to the other track, killing 1 person instead. What do you do?"
After Dark Screensavers in CSS You're flipping through CSS emulations of old computer screensavers.
Almost Pong "Press space (or tap the screen) to make the ball jump and hit the paddles for as long as possible."
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Another Sad Trombone Womp-Womp-Womp!
Art Ideas Generator "A series of randomized generators to help artists get some inspiration when they want to create some art but don't have any idea or, want to practice but need some prompts to motivate them."
ASCII Flow You're "drawing" ASCII-art in your browser.
ASCII Painter Another in-browser ASCII maker...this time, with colour.
Cheeses of the World Map You're navigating an interactive map of cheeses.
Chill You're playing with something very cool.
Cold You're playing with a spider web.
CSS Plasma Background Generator You're messing with blobs of plasma.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Dragon Drop "As people have become accustomed to Web browsers and—more recently—touchable devices, knowledge of drag-and-drop functionality has plummeted. DragonDrop hopes to solve this problem by teaching this fundamental skill while allowing users to terrorize a small village!"
Earth | Interactive 3D planet animation You're messing with 3D models of planets.
Earth Reviews "It turns out Earth is just a simulation. Luckily, the creators are looking for feedback."
Empty Vessel (Eyestrain/Photosensitive warning) You're messing with the colours on a lady.
Fish "Add a touch of nature to your page with these hungry little fish. Watch them as they follow your mouse hoping you will feed them by clicking the surface of the water." "Fake words that sound real."
Flow Field 2 You're playing with some swimming dots.
Fluid You're playing with some fluid.
Goldfishies You're feeding 3D goldfish. The unofficial sequel to "Fish".
Guess my RGB You're guessing what RGB the background is.
Gravity Points You're creating points of gravity.
Hex Clock You're on a website that slowly changes colour by the hours.
Hextris You're playing Tetris...with a twist.
Internet Artifacts "You may touch the artifacts."
Jelly You're ripping apart some jelly.
JS.Paint You're using MS your browser.
Literature Clock You're on a page that gives you book quotes depending on what time it is.
Magic Crystal Ball You're consulting a virtual crystal ball...
Marimo You're playing with a virtual marimo moss ball.
Maxwell Catworld You're a spinning loafing a world full of them.
Maze Generator using Unicode "Why? Beats me, but it's still fun."
Monster Breeder "You are a monster breeder. People have grown tired of the same old scares. The real money is in designer monsters. By crossbreeding traditional monsters, you can discover exciting NEW creeps and fiends, never before imagined. So let's go breed some monsters!"
MyPhysicsLab You're toying with various physics simulations.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Nature Mixer You're relaxing with a customisable ambient-generator.
Neonflames You're painting your very own nebula.
Numbskull You're helping a skull get back to its body.
Orb Farm A game about simulating an aquatic ecosystem.
Orb Simulator You're pondering the orb.
Pepys Diary You're reading daily pages of Samuel Pepys diary.
Periodicity You're playing with a vortex of colours.
PetPet Generator You're generating funny pet-pet memes.
Pixel Art to CSS You're making pixel art...that you can convert to CSS.
Pixels Fighting You're witnessing an absolute bloodbath.
Pixel Sea You're operating a virtual printer that dispenses pixels.
Powder You're simulating chemical reactions.
Reaction-Diffusion Explorer Tool You're playing with some blobby things.
Rotating Sandwiches You're watching some rotating Sandwiches.
Sandboxels You're simulating chemical reactions, primarily through sand.
Sandlife You're playing with colourful glowing sand.
Sandspiel Club You're simulating chemical reactions.
SandVox Simulator You're playing with a virtual sandbox.
SCREAM INTO THE VOID You're being counselled by the abyss itself.
Squishy Earth You're playing with a squishy earth.
SuperTunnel Simulator You're boring huge tunnels through the earth.
Tangled Sine You're messing with some tangled colours.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 The Dancing Lion You're chilling with a dancing lion.
The Deep Sea You're going down into the depths of the ocean.
The End of the Internet "You have finally reached the end of the internet!"
This chair does not exist You're generating weird chairs.
ThisIsSand You're able to create sand art.
TombZone You're generating custom-made ASCII tombstones.
Soft Draw You're rubbing a patch of virtual velvet.
Universe Forecast You're witnessing the fate of the universe.
Water3D You're playing with a virtual vessel of water.
WebGL Fluid Simulation You're able to mess with colourful fluids. A real sensory treat.
Wheel You're playing with a colour wheel. Games

Name Description
A Dragon Lunch Rush "Dragon is hungry! Dragon could eat a cow! No, 10 cows! No, 100 cows!! Just no the ones with two heads--they taste funny."
A Series of Interactive Stories Where No Matter What You Do You Are Immediately Killed by a Werewolf "It’s a series of interactive stories where no matter what you do you are immediately killed by a werewolf."
A Simple Fetch Quest "You are a tired villager and would just like to go back to bed. Unfortunately, a dragon has taken all of the valley's sheep, and you've been volunteered to go and get them."
Be Happy, Love Your Rock "be happy; luv ur rock."
Bird Feeder "Feed the birds by dragging your mouse around!"
Brew "I found you passed out in the swamp so I brought you inside because you're the perfect ingredient for this evil potion for vampires and witches I'm making. But you have woken up and there's nothing restraining you from leaving. The fault is entirely mine. I didn't think ahead. But I am lonely, and so fun to talk to. Won't you take a look around and see what I have to say? Maybe see my point of view? The potion will be done in about two minutes! Look around as much as you would like until you're done cooking. Or just leave. It's up to you, really."
Bully Bones "click on the bone and you will see what happened!!!"
Castle in the Mist "Press ENTER to generate a new castle. Use the mouse or the arrow keys to look at the castle from different angles."
Crazy Cauldron "Mix colorful ingredients to brew potions for your loyal customers! How many points can you rack up before your cauldron becomes too unstable and erupts?"
Dog Wash "A short game made in a week with original art & music!"
Dragon Creator "Design your own dragon, with many parts, patterns, colors, and glows."
Drytown "Drytown is a topdown game where an airhead character has to escape Drytown using its blood as its only currency in this town."
Egg Baby "One day, everyone discovers strange eggs, containing a new kind of baby that can adapt and change to its enviroment and how it's raised. What will your baby grow into?"
Electric Zine Maker You're making digital zines.
Ekphrasis "This is a game about going to the museum to get away for a bit and to think about feelings you like to feel."
Erratic Bloody "You've been choosen to be the new Master of a little, cutie and harmless Vampire. And now, he is hungry. Your role? To take care of him."
Goat Wraith "Spawn of the Goat, go forth and slay abominations in this black metal themed action platformer."
Ghostfriend "take care of your ghost friends until they're ready to leave this realm."
Goodbye, Doggy "Your good life as a family pet has come to an abrupt end! Help your family deal with their grief by drifting from room to room and exploring the house."
Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2020 You're experiencing Haunted PS1's first set of spooky demo discs.
Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2021 You're experiencing Haunted PS1's second set of spooky demo discs.
How To Raise A Dragon "The dragon: a majestic and complex beast. How is it born? How does it live and die? Magus X. R. Quilliam’s definitive work, “How to Raise a Dragon,” describes all that is known about these great creatures."
Hypochondriac Vampire "A short platformer where you control Edmund Allan Jr. the 2nd, a small and fragile vampire with blood type O, that cannot touch the blood from the victims of his family of vampires. Help him reach the blood cookie in the other side of the castle!"
KittyToy "Take care of and adopt stray kitties. Buy toys and decorations for your house and yard!"
Longo Doggo "Solve puzzles using boxes, buttons and your intellect so that Longo Doggo can return home!"
Medieval Fantasy City Generator You're generating medieval-style cities.
Melt "My goal was to use two circles to convey feelings of intimacy in a simple and abstract way, specifically the energetic & 'melting' feelings of touch and not-touching."
My Garbage Cat Wakes Me Up at 3am Every Day "You play as my garbage cat, who wakes me up at 3AM literally every morning. Knock everything over until your owner wakes up. Use the arrow keys to move and jump. Press Z to meow and cry all the time. Press X to knead with your dumb little paws. Do your worst."
My Lovely Wife vs 100 Draculas "At the start of October 2023, I set out to make a small game about fighting monsters where enemy limbs all had individual health pools and hitboxes, encouraging dismemberment and decapitation. This is the end result, a 10-minute twin-stick shooter about cheerfully mutilating lanky, awkward draculas and eating their limbless torsos to restore health. "
Night Flyer "Play as a nimble bat and take to the skies in search of fruits and moths. Try to survive as your world disappears. Bats are often misunderstood creatures, being demonized or feared in public media, but they are quite the opposite. Bats play a crucial role in our planet's ecosystem, without them, we would all suffer. I hope that through playing Night Flyer, this game will help shed new light on our furry little neighbors."
Night Fright Flight "Collect candy corn, phase through stuff, and in general be a ghost!"
Night Mirror You're a buck hunter, and you've been having dreams again.
Novena "novena is a game about the burden of strength and the fruits of perseverance."
One Page Dungeon You're generating dungeon maps.
Overnight "Overnight is a short, 5-10 minute story based game where you collect items for your three puppies while simultaneously confronting your gradual loss of memory. As you explore the woods, you think of memories from previous seasons and the nearing threat of winter. Spoiler: it's pretty sad."
PETSCII Fireplace "Happy holidays! A simple, chill ambient screen savery-type thing made with Playscii. Soundtrack is "The Stars Come Out" from Brother Android's album October November December."
Prince of Darkness Jr "A box-pushing puzzle game where you need to stay out of the light."
Planetarium You're watching over numerous planets.
Pursuit You're being stalked by a giant monster that wants to eat you...Oh no!
Procgen Mansion You're generating 3D models of mansions.
Raising the Sun "Avoid being caught until the dawn arrives!"
Sisyphus "Take a trip to the Underworld and experience Ancient Greek torture in this endless one-button game."
Skele Magic "help the skeleton magician find their way out of the magical realm!"
Skull Burn "All "Magic Torches" have gone out. Now the little "Skull Burn" sets out to light it."
Soultower "Soultower is a roguelike platformer where a lost soul must climb a tower to gain another chance of living again."
Spectare You're in a gothic castle jumping all over the place.
Square Meal You're a monster that has to move blocks and eat other monsters.
STAIRS You're falling down the stairs forever...Oh no!
Transylmania Deluxe "Vampy is back with a remake of the classic Flash game! Relive your childhood and revisit the castle!"
Vampire Curse "The Vampire Curse has struck you! Play as a vampire who wants to find a way to end his eternal thirst for blood. Explore the First Vampire's manor and discover its secrets, avoid the traps and fight anyone who stands in your way. But be quick ! Without blood, your energy will decrease, and you will faint!"
We are all but Bones and Dust You're a skeleton who wants to see the living world again.
What Happens Now "A short game about the afterlife."
Willo "Skelliwags have taken over the graveyard and its up to Willo to kick them out! Help little Willo sneak around, go 'woo', blow out candles and get up to all sorts of spooky stealthy fun in this short stealth'n'spook-em-up"
You Died On A Tuesday "You died on a Tuesday. I stayed behind."
1-Bit Dragons "The alliance with the dragons is over. They're attacking from the sea by night and you have to stop them as long as you can for the villagers to escape! But be aware: dragons' magic can sometimes deceive human eyes..."

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Radio Stations and Music

Name Description
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ambient Sleeping Pill "internet radio streaming music for sleep, meditation or study; for tuning out distractions or simply relaxing; ad-free, beat-free, never too new-age or dark."
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Ancient FM "Ancient FM is a volunteer project funded by individual patrons. Please help keep us on the air and commercial free by making a small contribution of a farthing, a groat, or perhaps even a gold sovereign or two!"
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Animal Crossing hourly Plays tracks from the original Animal Crossing based on the hour they'd appear in-game.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 DarkZone "There are times you stare into the abyss. And there are times when the abyss stares back at you. Dark Zone is the audio-enablement of that abyss."
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Deep Space One "Deep ambient electronic, experimental and space music. Music for getting lost in space, or just exploring. Tracks with a tempo usually too slow for Space Station Soma, but too fast for Drone Zone."
★𝅘𝅥𝅮 My Noise "Discover a world of immersive and customizable soundscapes that can enhance focus, relaxation, and sleep. Choose from noise generators, nature sounds and ambient music to create your perfect audio environment. Explore our vast library of interactive sound generators and find your audio haven!"
𝅘𝅥𝅮 You're listening to recordings of forests.
𝅘𝅥𝅮 Vintage Obscura "All tracks have fewer than 30,000 views on YouTube at the time of discovery and were released before 1999."


Name Description
Accessible Color Palette generator Gives you accessible colour combinations for your website. The biggest archive online.
Abandoned Communities A website dedicated to abandoned living spaces in Britain.
Adel Faure A website full of fonts, games, music, tools and art.
Animal Photo Art References Search A website that gives you 3D models of animal skulls to rotate.
Anti-Colonial Research Library A library of anti-colonialism texts.
Antique Pattern Library An archive of scanned textiles.
Artvee An archive of fine art.
ASCII Art Archive An archive of ASCII art.
ASCII Art Dictionary Another archive of ASCII art.
ASCII Cats A small site of ASCII cats.
ASCII Periodic Table A periodic table done entirely in ASCII.
ASCII Porn An archive of pornographic ASCII art.
Atlas Obscura A selection of unusual locations on Earth.
Autistic As Fxxk A website for autistic people worldwide. Also featured me, thanks Rachel!
Bandcamp A website full of underground artists, bands, and music genres.
Bear Blog A minimalist blogging platform.
Beepbox An in-browser music maker.
Bill Wurtz The personal website of Bill Wurtz, music man and of "The History of Japan" fame.
Birdfood UK | Webcams Webcams for watching birds.
Bite-sized Accessibility Tiny guides on how to make your website accessible.
Bitsy A tiny game engine.
Blood Wiki A wiki for the Blood games.
Bogleech The personal website of Bogleech, an enjoyer of all things vile and grotesque.
Bosworth Toller's Anglo-Saxon Dictionary A dictionary for all things Anglo-Saxon.
Busy Beaver Button Museum An archive of pin buttons.
Can I Play That? A guide for disabled gamers and their loved ones.
Capital Punishment UK A resource about Britain's history with the death pentalty.
Capstasher One of the largest known collections of 88x31 buttons. The cheese site. A website that lets you test out HTML.
Comic Devices A gallery of comic-making techniques.
CursorMania Archive Every Cursormania cursor ever.
Dafont A website of downloadable fonts.
Dead Link Checker A website that checks your pages for dead links.
Deceptive Patterns A website about sleazy corporate tricks.
Diablo Wiki A wiki for the first two Diablo games.
Digitization Wiki A digital archive of various plants and animals.
★⚤ Digital Transgender Archive An archive of Transgender history. Prioritises material created before 2000.
Dinosaur Dracula "Dinosaur Dracula is a series of tributes to things that thrill and excite me, or at least, things that used to thrill and excite me."
Dither Me This Lets you dither images.
Dracula Daily Get emailed chapters of Dracula as its story unfolds.
Dracula Theme A vampiric theme for all sorts of platforms.
Dreamwidth A livejournal-esque site that lets you journal in peace.
The Dungeon in Deep Space A website dedicated to Dungeon Synth.
DykeWrite A website for “Anyone whose experience of queerness, sexuality, gender, etc. is aligned with dykehood and/or lesbianism.”
Eggramen's CSS Templates A selection of handmade CSS templates for your sites.
Emotional Codes A site with tips for decoding your feelings.
Encyclopaedia Metallum An archive of metal artists since 2002.
Etymonline An archive of etymology since 2000.
Every Noise at Once An archive of every known music genre.
EzGif My go-to gif maker.
First Versions Archives the earliest versions of brands, media and other parts of pop culture. A detailed timeline of culinary history.
From Old Books An archive of pictures from old books.
FUNGI A website full of ASCII mushrooms and other whimsical creatures.
Gay on the Range An archive of midcentury gay male book covers.
Gifcities An archive of gifs from the Geocities era. Can and will contain Not-Safe-For-Work gifs.
GLBT Historical Society An archive of LGBTQIA+ information.
Have I been Pnwed Lets you check if your email has been in any wide-scale data breaches.
Hekate's Background Archive A neatly-curated archive of tile-backgrounds for your website.
Hekate's Background Generator Lets you generate tile backgrounds.
Hekate's 88x31 Button Maker Lets you make 88x31 buttons.
Heraldry of the World A wiki for Heraldry.
Historic Borders An interactive map of historical borders, starting from thousands of years ago.
IDB ASCII An archive of ASCII art.
Images | ESA/Hubble Hubble's archive of outer-space images. A website for naturalists to share their observations.
Indie Wiki Buddy A website for navigating the disaster that is modern wiki sites.
Interactive AIDS Quilt A digital AIDS quilt.
Internet History Sourcebooks Project Fordham University's archive of historical texts.
Internet Time Shows timezones around the world.
John Doe's Page A website based off one HTML sheet.
Just Delete Me Shows you what services you can delete your account off.
Lesbian Herstory Archive An archive of lesbian-centric information.
★⚤ Leslie Feinberg The website of a butch heroine, may she rest soundly.
Libre Office A website for Libreoffice, a open-source office suite for all your writing needs.
Limegreen's Wikitable A free-to-use recreation of a wiki page.
Lorem Ipsum A website for the famous dummy text, Lorem Ipsum.
Medieval Cookery A database of Medieval and Tudor recipes.
Medieval Geomancy Princeton University's website about medieval era-geomancy.
Medieval Music and Arts Foundation A website dedicated to medieval music and art.
Medieval Recipes A website of Medieval recipes.
MelonLand Wiki A wiki for the indie web.
Monster Zone A website dedicated to discussing every cinematic monster.
Music Map Lets you find new musical artists.
Moon Phases Lets you track the lunar phases.
★⚤ A spiritual sucessor to the original Geocities.
Obsolete Media A website dedicated to obsolete media formats.
oh no im having a bad thought A quick assistant for your bad thought.
Onelook Thesaurus An expansive thesaurus.
Online Harassment Field Manual A website dedicated to helping victims of online harassment.
On This Day A website that tells you what happened on this day.
ORBIS: Stanford University An interactive map that explores the trading world of Ancient Rome.
Outlaws and Highwaymen A website dedicated to Highwaymen.
Pansycore Zine A website about queer sex, specifically of the male-identifying variety. A website about mythical gods around the world.
Pastebin A website for copying and pasting.
PCGamingWiki A wiki for PC gamers.
Photopea An in-browser photoshop replica.
Pinnacle Points An interactive map of the world's tallest mountains.
Pinball Map A map of the world's pinball machines.
PlaceKitten Gives you kitten photos as placeholder images.
Popcorn Song A website dedicated to the famous 1969 instrumental song, Popcorn.
Popular History Books A website that reviews british history books.
Public Neurodiversity Support Center An archive of essays for autistic people, especially those with trauma.
Project Gutenberg The internet's biggest provider of free, public domain e-books.
★⚤ Queering the Map A map of anonymously-submitted queer experiences from around the world.
Radio Garden Lets you listen to radio stations around the world.
Rarebit A website for the titular javascript webcomic template.
Raumhaufen (Monster in My Pocket section) A website dedicated to collecting toys and figures.
Real-Time HTML Editor Lets you test out HTML.
Sadgrl's Background Archive An archive of tile-backgrounds.
SerpaDesign A website of SerpaDesign, an enthusiast of aquariums, terrariums and vivariums.
Smithsonian Open Access The Smithsonian's archive of free-to-use things. A website that reviews all kinds of spam.
Strange Sisters An archive of midcentury lesbian book covers.
StrategyWiki A wiki that helps you beat video games.
Terrarium Tribe A website about terrariums.
Texture Town A website of textures for your website. Very flashy.
The Cutting Room Floor A wiki for unused video game content.
The Dracula Society A website dedicated to all things Dracula.
The Gallery of Monster Toys A website dedicated to midcentury monster toys.
★⚤ The Gender Dysphoria Bible A guide on gender dysphoria.
The History of the Web A timeline of the internet's history.
The Latin Library A website about the latin language.
The Lava Lounge A pixel clique for Lava Lamps.
The Literary Bisexual A website that discusses Bisexuality in literature.
The Medieval Bestiary A website that serves as a medieval bestiary.
The Medieval Pottery Research Group A website dedicated to medieval pottery vessels.
The Phontistery A glossary of obscure words; going strong since 1996.
The Proceedings of the Old Bailey An archive of London's central criminal court records.
The Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack (v2.2) An archive of DOS-era fonts
The Virus Encyclopedia A wiki for all types of malware.
The World's Writing Systems A timeline of human writing systems.
Time Unwarp Timers for helping you pace yourself.
Toy Animal Wiki A wiki for all known toy animals.
Trans Reads An archive of texts created by transgender people.
TYCollector A website dedicated to TY's Beanie Babies.
UKMoths A website dedicated to to the moths of Great Britain and Ireland.
★⚤ Unconsenting Media A database of sexual assault in TV and movies.
Unicorn and Butterfly A webcomic made entirely out of ASCII.
Vampire Club A website dedicated to Vampires.
Victorian Web A website about the Victorian Era.
Virtue Ventures A website I’m featuring for its elaborate medieval clothing section.
★⚤ Vixen Controlled Archive An archive of the anthro art website, VCL.
WAVE Web Accessibility Tool Scans your website for accessibility issues and shows you how you can fix them.
Web Badges World An archive of almost 4000 web badges.
Web Design Museum A museum for website design.
WikiBound A wiki for the EarthBound trilogy.
★⚤ Wikimedia Commons Wikipedia's very own image repository.
Wild Bread A showcase of this elusive species.
Wildlife Trusts Webcams Wildlife webcams.
Windows 98 Icon Viewer An archive of Windows 98 desktop icons.
Words From Old Books A dictionary of slang from old books.
Wormhole A website for temporary filesharing.
W3Schools A website with a wealth of coding tutorials.
XP.css CSS to make your site look like Windows XP.
Yerf Historical Archive An archive of Yerf, one of the oldest furry galleries on the web.
You Feel Like Shit An interactive guide for self care.
Your World of Text A virtual whiteboard for people to post anonymously.
Zen Garden Websites A website for small website templates.
Zonelets A javascript blogging tool for your own website.
7.css CSS to make your site look like Windows 7.
98.css CSS to make your site look like Windows 98.

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Website Directories

Name Description
★⚤ Curlie A website directory that's a treasure trove of niche old sites. A directory that lets you press a button for a random blog. A directory for indie websites, resembles Curlie in layout and comes with a star rating system. A search engine for the niche and hidden.
Nightfall City A small website directory with cosy ASCII style.
No JS Club A small directory for sites without Javascript.
"Ooh!" Directory A website directory with a good tagging system.
Satyr's Linkroll A website directory with a brightly coloured, well-tagged collection of links.
Search My Site A website directory that puts a strong emphasis on non-commercial websites.
The Geocities Gallery A visual gallery of Geocities sites, sorted by their original neighbourhoods.
Wilby A search engine with a knack for dredging up the most ancient websites.
10KB Club A directory of sites under 10KB.
1MB Club A directory of sites under 1MB.
404 Page Found A gallery of Web 1.0 websites.

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