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Dream Diary

This page is where my dreams go. These appear at pure random.

Special Delicacy

Dreamnt: 07/05/24

My parents had made a “special delicacy” for me, and were eager to see my feedback. The delicacy in question was a deformed pig head surrounded by several raw sausages, all lathered in a heavy helping of melted chocolate. They made me eat the whole thing and I gagged spectacularly the entire time. My biggest complaint about the meal was not that it was a deformed glob of raw meat, but that it was specifically pork. I do not like pork.

Werewolf Pursuit

Dreamnt: 28/04/24

I was pursuing a serial killer that was a werewolf. I was vaguely in England, but unsure of what region I was in. I started in a small cottage, several people were there with me and discussing where it could have gone off to.

I went into the nearby woodland, and after a minute, it started to snow heavily. It was scenic, almost painterly in nature. I pondered on the nature of killers, and why people would decide to do such a thing. I took a lot of diverting paths, and as I did so, the trees became more frequent. It felt as if any minute, the werewolf could come out and attack. The dread was potent. After what felt like an hour, I reached a clearing into what I saw as a residential area, with several back-to-back houses and a group of children playing nearby, seemingly unaware of the wolf. I decided I’d gone far enough, and went back to report my findings.

When I returned to the cottage, it had been devastated. The werewolf had arrived in my absence and killed several members of my party. One survivor, a kindly old man, directed me to the wolf as he lay bleeding on the floor. A fire had broken out nearby, and through the smoke, I saw the werewolf fleeing into the night, grinning and laughing at the mayhem it had caused. The last thing I saw was its appearance, and it was the most unusual werewolf I’d ever seen. It was literally half-wolf, half-man, or rather, half wolf, half teenage boy.

Maggot Child

Dreamnt: 20/04/24

A little girl was terminally ill with a disease that would spawn ungodly amounts of maggots out from her face. They were a faint yellow, and would pour from her cheeks, squirming into her eyes, nose and mouth. Despite this, she was calm, and would stand patiently as her parents picked the maggots off her skin, now blighted from their constant burrowing. Her father tried to stay hopeful and insist that she could recover, but her mother, and even the little girl herself knew that it was only a matter of time.

Vampire Family Reunion

Dreamnt: 22/03/24

I was in an underground crypt full of fog. It looked like something right out of a 1960's horror film, neon colours and everything. The setpieces were pitch black, spined and gothic in appearance. In front of me was a large metal grate gate, just as sinister and thorny as the rest of the scenery. Then, vampires started to come down the stairs from which I came, all in groups of what I recognised as family units. I was informed by another human nearby that this was their yearly family reunion. The grate gate then opened, and the vampires went into the main room; a large dining room full of chairs and tables. They were in a state of absolute disarray, but the vampires didn't seem to mind at all. I followed them inside and I tried to get some food from the table. The dishes were surprisingly normal, not the feast of entrails that one would normally expect from a vampire dinner. They greedily wolfed it down before I could even snatch a morsel for myself, and thus, I was left with mere scraps.

Castle and Swamp

Dreamnt: 21/03/24

I was in a large ivy-engulfed castle that was allegedly my primary school, just renovated. As I was exploring, the weather would change and become snowy. I found myself on the front of the school, by a big dragon statue. It was a bust of an old dragon wearing a crown and smiling down from his high position, onto the ground below. I felt a parental warmth emanating from him, and I found myself hugging and caressing his cold stony surfaces. Then I left, and went to explore elsewhere. I found myself wandering out of the ruined castle regions and into a swamp, where I saw an overgrown shack. I had a camera on me, so I went inside taking pictures. It was bare, walls already fallen down and floorboards profusely rotted. The only thing inside of any intrigue was a huge jar of wet specimens; rabbits tightly packed together in the transparent fluid.

A lady, supposedly a teacher, came by. I tried to show her the shack, but it’d already collapsed into the fetid waters it stood above. We left together, and she, a warm and kindly woman, led me back into the castle.

Werewolf Warfare

Dreamnt: 12/03/24

I'm assuming my wikipedia binge of recorded spree-killers had something to do with this.

I was in a wide open grassland with a few fir trees dotted here and there. The weather fluctuated between a foggy haze, and a fresh, pinkish dawn. I was fairly close to a large body of water, most likely a lake. It glimmered and twinkled brightly. In short, it was beautiful.

I was also...a werewolf, and with me were a whole dozen of other werewolves. All of us were in our wolf forms, and uniquely for werewolf standards, we were all perfectly sapient. The mood was not of camaraderie, however. Instead, it was one of dread. We'd been revealed to mankind, and now, humanity had declared open season on virtually all of us. This day was the first of man's invasion onto our lands. One of us gave a speech, lamenting our condition, and then, it happened. Hunters of all sorts poured over a river, opposite the body of water behind us. Werewolves charged forward, many falling to the constant volley of gunfire. Some of us fled, while others stayed behind to fight and drag down as many huntsmen as they could. I was a surprisingly good killer of men; I found myself dragging their corpses back to my allies to show off my prowess. A few times, they'd stare at me in disbelief as I'd hold up my "trophies" and haphazardly hurl them at trees as if they were no more than ragdolls. Amusingly, I recall my main method of killing was me rapidly slapping them to death. During my frantic retreats back to the trees, I noticed an especially bothersome hunter with a comically grotesque face. He was annoyingly skilled, and kept a good distance too. By now, he'd killed a good few of us, and I decided that he needed to die, and urgently. I took a chance, and attempted to flank him from behind. His dog, some kind of gundog, attempted to attack me. I slapped it hard, but when the hunter turned to face me, I lost my nerve and retreated. He gave chase for a bit, before going back to his station and continuing to hold his ground. The dream ended before I could give it another go.

Uncle Les almost boils me to Death

Dreamnt: 05/03/24

Heads up, this one has an attempted suicide. Nothing too morbid though. No death happens and it’s a tad on the ridiculous side, but, you know.

I suddenly wanted to take my own life. How would I do it? I’d made a deal with…The creepy uncle from the movie Braindead/Dead Alive. He was this sort of demonic figure that seemed to know all about this stuff, and he showed me this chair that was supposed to slowly boil me to death. The electric chair, but spicy. So I sit in the chair and I ask him if it will hurt. He says it’ll be completely painless, and that my limbs will simply lose all sensation. Now I’m in this chair, Uncle Les from Braindead waiting for me to boil, and then suddenly I pull out my phone and check Telegram. I see all of my closest friends and they’re all asking me what I’m doing today. I then realise the error of doing such a thing to myself and demand Uncle Les let me out the chair. He seemed a bit disappointed because the chair “took a lot of fuel to get going” but he relented and untied me from it. Then I start…crying and hugging him? I thanked him for “helping me realise how I was loved” (He tried to boil me alive but okay?!) and then I ran off into the distance.

That time I invaded Carthage

Dreamnt: 24/02/24

A friend and I were roman soldiers going into North Africa. I kept drawing them pictures of their icon, and my other friend Lutzbug was there as this strict general who I kept having to hide the drawings from. This was post-destruction of Carthage, and for some reason it wasn’t the ruins of a massive city, but this dinky little shack. At one point I went in the shack and I was suddenly with a man (very enthusiastically) showing me to make an automatic Minecraft chicken farm.