Welcome to Brimstone...
Beware, here lurks my virtual shrine for Dungeon Keeper 2, the 1999 real-time-strategy game by Bullfrog Productions. Besides being a fansite, this unholy temple aims to be an accurate resource for the game and its mechanics. I update it whenever I find new information or I want to give its crevices a dusting. With that said, come inside, and don't forget, it's good to be bad.
What Brimstone is all about, plus an FAQ section for all your questions.
A glossary I made for the game.
A trivia iceberg I made for the game.
Dungeon Keeper 2 links for your delectation.
Update Log
- 18/01/25 - Added all anchor menus to the Iceberg page. Now you can hop to individual items in a jiffy!
- 08/01/25 - Changed this site's layout from Kalechips Reader Mode Blog to PetraPixel's Layout Generator.