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Brimstone: A Dungeon Keeper 2 Shrine

Dungeon Keeper 2 Glossary

Here's a fan-made glossary for your personal use. This list is always expanding and can change at any time.


  • Aftermath
    The eighth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Snapdragon. It introduces Alarm Traps, Casinos, Gas Traps and Stone Bridges.

  • Alarm Trap
    A trap that alerts nearby guards to its location.

  • Ambush
    The ninth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Silverstream, and is the first timed level. It introduces Bile Demons and Gems.

  • Angellic
    The seventeenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Moonshrine. It introduces Dark Angels and Temples.


  • Barricade
    A workshop item. A thorny fence that blocks enemy creatures.

  • Bedrock
    A type of terrain that serves as an impenetrable obstacle within a level. All levels are surrounded by a border of bedrock.

  • Besieged
    The sixth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Sweetwater. Besieged is one of the two levels in this realm, alongside Rout. It introduces Barricades, Mistresses and Torture Chambers.

  • Bile Demon
    A fat legless demon with large flail-adorned horns. Bile Demons come to dungeons with large Hatcheries and Workshops. Once they arrive, they'll make traps and doors, but they're also sturdy fighters.

  • Black Knight
    An evil knight in black armour. Black Knights come to dungeons with Combat Pits. Once they arrive they'll train, do guard duty and serve as strong melee fighters.

  • Boulder Trap
    A trap that crushes enemies with a large boulder.

  • Braced Door
    A workshop item. A stronger version of the Wooden Door.

  • Brotherhood
    The eighteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Cherry Blossom.

  • Butterscotch
    The nineteenth realm in the main campaign. Princes Balder, Felix and Tristan dwell here.


  • Call to Arms
    A Keeper spell that allows its caster to rally their creatures to a chosen spot.

  • Carnage
    The ninth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Silverstream, and is the first timed level. This level is unique for its lack of heroic forces, and the presence of four enemy Keepers. It introduces Boulders, the Call to Arms spell, Steel Doors and Trigger Traps.

  • Casino
    A room for restoring the happiness of a dungeon's creatures. It contains a slider to change the pay-out. The Casino can either be made Generous or Rigged. Generous Casinos restore happiness at the cost of gold, whereas Rigged Casinos do the inverse. Rigging a Casino, while not good for happiness, is good for recycling gold when money gets tight.

  • Caverns
    The seventh level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Emberglow. It introduces Giants, Lava and Salamanders.

  • Cherish
    The thirteenth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Keeper Malleus.

  • Cherry Blossom
    The eighteenth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Nemesis and his two sons.

  • Chicken
    The main source of food for a dungeon's creatures. Chickens spawn in Hatcheries, where they'll wander about until they get eaten.

  • Chicken (Spell)
    A Keeper spell that turns creatures into chickens.

  • Combat Pit
    A room for training creatures beyond level 4. Creatures in the combat pit can level in the pit until they reach level 8.

  • Conversion (Gameplay mechanic)
    When enemy creatures convert to a Keeper's side through use of a Torture Chamber.

  • Conversion (Level)
    The thirteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Cherish. It introduces Freeze Traps, Monks and the Turncoat spell.

  • Corpse
    The remains of a dead creature. The main use of a corpse is to rot in the Graveyard and attract Vampires. When five corpses rot inside a Graveyard, a Vampire will spawn.

  • Create Gold
    A Keeper spell that bestows the Player with 1000 pieces of gold.

  • Create Imp
    A Keeper spell that spawns Imps on the Player’s territory.

  • Creature
    The underlings of Keepers and Heroes alike. Creatures have various abilities, needs and parameters that make them all unique.

  • Creep
    The sixteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Stonekeep. It introduces Secret Doors.

  • Crusade
    The fifteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Fluttershine. Crusade is one of the two levels in this realm, alongside Storm. It introduces Black Knights and Combat Pits.


  • Dark Angel
    An evil angellic being of immense power. Dark Angels come to dungeons with Unholy Temples. Once they arrive they'll serve as a Keeper's strongest minions.

  • Dark Elf
    A sinister elf woman that specialises in archery. Dark Elves come to dungeons with Guard Rooms. Once they arrive, they will snipe enemies from afar with their bows.

  • Door
    A security measure used by Keepers and Heroes alike. Doors are built in Workshops by Trolls and Bile Demons, with several to choose from. Besides their defensive uses, doors can be locked to control the movement of creatures.

  • Dungeon
    The primary setting of the game. Dungeons are built by Keepers, furnished with rooms and expanded with time.

  • Dungeon Heart
    The first room of any dungeon and the most important one in the entire structure. If a Dungeon Heart is destroyed, the Keeper that possesses it dies. If this happens to the Player, they automatically lose the level. Dungeon Hearts are completely helpless, only being able to heal themselves if they're injured. Thus, it is the prerogative of the Player to keep it safe at all times.

  • Dwarf
    A short stocky creature and the goodly mirror to the Imps. They dig holes in walls, but they are weak and easy to kill.


  • Elmshadow
    The fifth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Constantine.

  • Elven Archer
    An elvish marksman and the goodly mirror to the Dark Elves. They shoot arrows from afar, but they are not skilled in melee combat.

  • Emberglow
    The seventh realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Sigmund.

  • Enchantments
    The second level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Sing-Song, and serves as the game's second tutorial level. It introduces Keeper spells, Libraries, Mana, Training Rooms, Warlocks and Water.


  • Fairy
    A small but powerful magic-user. They know a range of spells and support their goodly companions from afar.

  • Fear
    The fifth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Elmshadow. It introduces Fear Traps, Prisons and Skeletons. Wizards also debut in this level.

  • Fear Trap
    A trap designed to scare enemy creatures. It resembles a gibbet, and holds a humanoid skeleton inside it.

  • Fireburst Trap
    A trap that resembles a cauldron and burns any enemies that approach it.

  • Firefly
    A large wasp-like insect with a glowing rear-end. They arrive the second your portal opens. Once they arrive, they'll become a Keeper's scouts.

  • Fluttershine
    The fifteenth realm of the main Campaign and the domain of Lord Volstag.

  • Freeze Trap
    A trap that resembles a tile and freezes any enemies that step on it.


  • Gaolbreak
    The result of a prison becoming too full. The prisoners inside will escape and free any other victims they can get their hands on.

  • Gas Trap
    A trap that poisons enemies with noxious fumes.

  • Gem Seam
    A block of terrain that produces infinite amounts of gold.

  • Giant
    A sturdy warrior with a large club. They are brave, powerful attackers that also double as blacksmiths if they're converted.

  • Goblin
    A small green creature. Goblins come to dungeons with Lairs. Once they arrive, they'll serve as a Keeper's main infantry troops.

  • Goldenglade
    The twelfth realm in the main campaign and the domain of Keeper Malachai.

  • Gold Seam
    A block of terrain that produces a limited amount of gold. It disappears and turns into an empty unclaimed tile once it is fully mined.

  • Graveyard
    A room for processing the corpses of fallen creatures and creating Vampires. When five corpses rot in a Graveyard, a Vampire will spawn. Graveyards have a second function; Vampires that fall will respawn inside them.

  • Greed
    The third level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Ramshackle, and serves as the game's last tutorial level. It introduces Sentry Traps, Trolls, Wooden Doors and Workshops.

  • Guard
    A stalwart warrior with a long spear. They have a powerful attack, and are good at frightening evil creatures.

  • Guard Post
    A trap that lets Keepers create guard patrols throughout their corridors.

  • Guard Room
    A room for creating guard patrols. When creatures guard, they patrol the length of the room and look for threats.


  • Hand of Evil
    The official name for the Player's cursor, which resembles a gnarled hand.

  • Harmonia
    The setting of Dungeon Keeper 2's Campaign Mode and the realm of the goodly Heroes. It is a feudal kingdom ruled by King Reginald and his Lords of the Land.

  • Heal All
    A magical item that heals the Player's creatures when activated.

  • Heartland
    The twentieth realm in the Campaign and the domain of King Reginald.

  • Horny
    The Horned Reaper and an exclusive ally of the Player. If available, he can be temporarily summoned with the “Summon Horny” button.


  • Imp
    A tiny creature with large eyes and a pickaxe. Imps are in a Dungeon by default and serve as its main workers. They carry items, claim tiles, dig out rooms, drag unconcious creatures out of combat and mine gold.

  • Increase Gold
    A magical item that bestows gold onto the Player when activated.

  • Increase Level
    A magical item that levels the Player's creatures when activated.

  • Inferno
    A Keeper spell that creates an explosion of fire.

  • Interception
    The nineteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Butterscotch.


  • Jack-In-The-Box Trap
    A trap that resembles the titular toy and chases after its enemies.


  • Keeper Asmodeus
    The Keeper of Woodsong and killer of Lord Ronin. The Player must besiege this Keeper to claim Ronin’s Portal Gem.

  • Keeper Dante
    A Keeper that fled from the four Wizards of Snapdragon.

  • Keeper Gormagon
    A Keeper that fell to the forces of Lord Sigmund while attempting to conquer Emberglow.

  • Keeper Malachai
    The Keeper of Goldenglade and killer of Lord Bramble. The Player must salvage Bramble’s fortress to defeat this Keeper.

  • Keeper Malleus
    The Keeper of Cherish and the commander of a vampiric army. The Player must convert the Monks of Saint Cuthbert to defeat this Keeper.

  • Keepers Belial, Drako, Kronos, Morgana and Raksha
    The Keepers of Sparklydell. The Player must kill them one-by-one to defeat them all.

  • Keepers Faust and Fabius
    The ever-squabbling sons of Nemesis. They accompany him in Cherry Blossom and guard his flanks with their dungeons.

  • Keepers Harkan and Carrion
    A duo of Keepers that wish to ally with the Dark Angels of Moonshrine. The Player must ally with the Dark Angels to defeat these Keepers.

  • Keepers
    A mysterious race of Dungeon-Keeping entities. Keepers spend their time greedily seeking out land, power and prestige. When they are not fighting the goodly forces, they infight among themselves.

  • Keeper Spells
    Spells that Dungeon Keepers can cast by using Mana. Most of these spells have combat-orientated purposes. The most expensive of these is the "Summon Horny" spell, which summons the Horned Reaper himself.

  • King Reginald
    The ruling monarch of Harmonia and its goodly forces. Alongside his Lords of the Land, he has three princely sons.

  • Knight
    A noble warrior that is a goodly mirror to the Black Knights. He is a skilled melee fighter that leads the heroic siege parties.


  • Lair
    A room for creatures to rest and restore their health in. Each creature creates its own unique bed when it nests.

  • Lava
    A type of terrain that serves as a natural barrier. Most creatures cannot cross it unless they fly (Fairies and Fireflies) or have a fire immunity (Giants and Salamanders).

  • Library
    A room for magically-inclined creatures to research in. When creatures research, they discover spells to cast. Libaries also store Magical Items.

  • Lightning Trap
    A trap that shocks enemies with a bolt of electricity.

  • Locate Hidden Land
    A magical item that reveals a secret level when activated.

  • Lord Antonius
    The Lord of Smilesville, and the weakest Lord of the Land.

  • Lord Avaricious
    The Lord of Ramshackle, and a reclusive but greedy Lord.

  • Lord Bramble
    The former Lord of Goldenglade, who fell to Keeper Malachai.

  • Lord Brutus
    The former Lord of Sparklydell, who fell to Keeper Morgana.

  • Lord Constantine
    The Lord of Elmshadow, and a cowardly Lord that hides behind traps.

  • Lord Darius
    The Lord of Sing-Song, and the second weakest Lord of the Land.

  • Lord Ironhelm
    The Lord of Sweetwater, and a flighty Lord that’s easily spooked.

  • Lord Ludwig
    The Lord of Shadygrove and an old, paranoid Lord.

  • Lord Pureheart
    The Lord of Stonekeep and the King's closest ally.

  • Lord Ronin
    The former Lord of Woodsong, who fell to Keeper Asmodeus.

  • Lord Sigmund
    The Lord of Emberglow and a commander of giants.

  • Lord Tiberius
    The Lord of Peachtree and the guardian of several mana vaults.

  • Lord Titus
    The Lord of Snapdragon and the closest ally of the Four Wizards.

  • Lord Volstag
    The Lord of Fluttershine and a commander of fairies.

  • Lord Voss
    The Lord of Silverstream and an especially cowardly Lord.

  • Lords of the Land
    King Reginald's right-hand men and the boss enemies of the Campaign levels. The Player fights a total of twelve, these being Antonius, Darius, Avaricious, Ludwig, Constantine, Ironhelm, Sigmund, Titus, Voss, Tiberius, Volstag and Pureheart.


  • Magical Item
    A gilded crate that carries a magical spell inside it. These are often hidden in secret passages or hoarded by Heroic forces. Once they fall into the hands of a Keeper, they can grant all kinds of useful bonuses.

  • Magic Door
    A workshop item. A door that defends itself by shooting fireballs at its enemies.

  • Maiden
    A drider-like creature. Maidens are exclusive to version 1.7 and up, and don't appear in the Campaign. Once they arrive, they act as researchers and support creatures.

  • Make Happy
    A magical item that increases the happiness of a Player's creatures when activated.

  • Make Safe
    A magical item that reinforces the Player's walls when activated.

  • Make Unhappy
    A magical item that decreases the happiness of a Player's creatures when activated.

  • Mana Boost
    A magical item that bestows mana onto the Player when activated.

  • Mana Vault
    A type of terrain that when claimed, will passively generate Mana for the Keeper.

  • Mentor
    The shadowy advisor that accompanies the Player in all game modes. He oversees the levels and offers advice whenever it's needed.

  • Mistress
    A sultry creature in latex fetish gear. Mistresses come to Dungeons with Torture Chambers. Once they arrive, they'll amuse themselves in the chambers and serve as effective shock-troops.

  • Moonshrine
    The seventeenth realm in the Campaign and the domain of Keepers Harkan and Carrion.

  • Monk
    A clerical healer for the goodly forces. He heals their ranks and can slay vampires with his holy touch.

  • Multiplayer Mode
    A gamemode where the Player can duel other human players.

  • My Pet Dungeon
    A sandbox-styled gamemode where the Player can build dungeons at their own leisure.


  • Neutral Creature
    A wandering creature that allies itself with any Keeper that finds it.

  • Nemesis
    The strongest of the Keepers and one of the biggest adversaries in the Campaign Mode.


  • Peachtree
    The fourteenth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Tiberius.

  • Portal
    A room that spawns creatures from the Netherworld.

  • Portal Gem
    The magical crystals that bind the Keepers of Harmonia underground.

  • Possession
    A Keeper spell that lets its caster control individual creatures.

  • Prince Balder
    One of King Reginald's three princely sons. He is red-haired, clean shaven and has slightly more health than his brothers.

  • Prince Felix
    One of King Reginald's three princely sons. He is the only armoured creature to be fully covered from head-to-toe.

  • Prince Tristan
    One of King Reginald's three princely sons. He is dark-haired and bearded.

  • Prison
    A room for imprisoning enemy creatures. If the creatures go ignored, they will die and turn into Skeletons.


  • Ramshackle
    The third realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Avaricious.

  • Realm
    The game's synonym for a level.

  • Reap
    The fourteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Peachtree. It introduces Horny and Mana Vaults.

  • Rebelling
    When creatures become unhappy enough, they will rebel and become enemy creatures.

  • Receive Imps
    A magical item that bestows Imps onto the Player when activated.

  • Regicide
    The twentieth and final level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Heartland.

  • Reveal Map
    A magical item that reveals the map when activated.

  • Rogue
    An unscrupulous bandit dressed in leather. Rogues come to dungeons with Casinos. Once they arrive, they'll serve as scouts and spies.

  • Rout
    The sixth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Sweetwater. Rout is one of the two levels in this realm, alongside Besieged. It introduces Barricades, Mistresses, Rogues, and Torture Chambers.


  • Salamander
    An orange-scaled lizard that can breathe fire. Salamanders come to dungeons with Training Rooms. Once they arrive, they'll train and serve as support forces.

  • Secret Door
    A workshop item. Unlike other doors, it resembles a brick wall. This unique appearance causes it to blend in with its surroundings, thus concealing dungeons from enemy forces.

  • Sentry Trap
    A trap that blasts enemies with cannonballs.

  • Scavenge
    The twelfth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Goldenglade. It introduces Graveyards and Vampires.

  • Shadygrove
    The fourth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Ludwig.

  • Silverstream
    The ninth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Voss.

  • Sing-Song
    The second realm of Campaign and the domain of Lord Darius.

  • Sight of Evil
    A Keeper spell that allows its caster to see through fog-of-war.

  • Skeleton
    One of the two undead creatures a Keeper can create. Skeletons come to dungeons when creatures in the Prison starve to death. Once they arrive, they'll train and serve as weak infantry forces.

  • Skirmish Mode
    A gamemode where the Player can duel computer-ruled Keepers. The levels are specifically made for this mode, and are unlike those of the Campaign.

  • Slapping
    With the Hand of Evil, the Player can slap their creatures. This is chiefly done to Imps, as it makes them work faster.

  • Smash
    The tenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Woodsong, and is the second timed level. It introduces Spike traps and the Tremor spell.

  • Smilesville
    The first realm of the Campaign, and the domain of Lord Antonius.

  • Snapdragon
    The eighth realm in the Campaign and the domain of Lord Titus.

  • Snipers
    The fourth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Shadygrove, and is the first non-tutorial level. It introduces Dark Elves, Guard Rooms and the Possession spell.

  • Sparklydell
    The eleventh realm in the main campaign. It is contested territory and has no Lord. Instead, Keepers Belial, Drako, Kronos, Morgana and Raksha vy for power here

  • Spike Trap
    A trap that resembles a tile and skewers enemies with spikes.

  • Stone Bridge
    A bridge used to cross lava.

  • Stonekeep
    The sixteenth realm of the Campaign, and the domain of Lord Pureheart.

  • Storm
    The fifteenth level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Fluttershine. Storm is one of the two levels in this realm, alongside Crusade. It introduces Black Knights and Combat Pits.

  • Stun Imps
    A magical item that stuns enemy Imps when activated.

  • Stone Knight
    King Reginald's final lines of defense against the Keepers. Horny is the only creature that can slay them in combat.

  • Sunflower
    The flower that appears above the heads of allied and enemy creatures alike. It shows the creature's level in its center, while its petals show how much health the creature has

  • Sweetwater
    The sixth realm of the Campaign and the domain of Lord Ironhelm.


  • Thief
    A scrawny sort and a goodly mirror to the Rogues. He can sneak past Keeper lines, turn invisible and pick off lone creatures.

  • Thunderbolt
    A Keeper spell that damages and stuns enemy creatures.

  • Tile
    A type of terrain that can be claimed or built on.

  • Torture Chamber
    A room for torturing enemy creatures into conversion. Torturing creatures to death turns them into corpses, which can be repurposed for creating Vampires. Upon death, some of these victims will reveal information about the map.

  • Trap
    A security measure used by Keepers and Heroes alike. Traps are built in Workshops by Trolls and Bile Demons, with several to choose from. Traps use Mana whenever they activate.

  • Training Room
    A room for training creatures up to level 4. Many creatures will train themselves automatically.

  • Treasury
    A room for storing gold. Creatures come here to collect their wages every Payday.

  • Tremor
    A Keeper spell that creates a miniature earthquake. This damages enemy walls and traps.

  • Trigger Trap
    A trap that when touched by an enemy creature, triggers any traps adjacent to it.

  • Troll
    A warty green brute that carries a large metal hammer. Trolls come to dungeons with Workshops. Once they arrive, they build traps and doors on command.

  • Turncoat
    A Keeper spell that temporarily turns its chosen victim against their allies.


  • Unholy Temple
    A room for sacrifcing creatures to the Dark Gods. Sacrifice combinations can give particular rewards. Besides this, creatures can also pray in this room, generating mana for the Keeper.


  • Vampire
    One of the two undead creatures a Keeper can create. Vampires come to dungeons when five corpses rot inside a Graveyard. Once they arrive, they serve as powerful magic users.


  • Water
    A type of terrain that serves as somewhat of an obstacle. Some creatures have trouble moving through water, especially Vampires, who are hurt by it. Imps have trouble with water too, as they cannot drag fallen creatures out of it.

  • Warcry
    The first level of the Campaign, which takes place in the realm of Smilesville and is the game's first tutorial level.

  • Warlock
    A gaunt sorcerer wielding a staff. Warlocks come to dungeons with libraries. Once they arrive, they serve as researches and support forces.

  • Weaken Walls
    A magical item that weakens enemy walls when activated.

  • Wizard
    An old robed man with a pointy hat, and the goodly mirror to the Warlocks. They support their allies with volleys of magical spells.

  • Wooden Bridge
    A bridge used to cross water. It can also be used to cross lava, but it won't last for very long.

  • Wooden Door
    A workshop item. A standard door.

  • Woodsong
    The tenth realm in the main campaign. It is contested territory and has no Lord. Instead, Keeper Asmodeus and the Sylvan Elves vy for power here.

  • Workshop
    A room for creating traps and doors. Bile Demons, Giants and Trolls are the only creatures that can perform this task.