Welcome to the depths of Brimstone...

This is my virtual shrine for Dungeon Keeper 2, the beloved 1999 real-time-strategy game by Bullfrog Productions. This unholy temple contains anecdotes, ramblings, trivia and resources for my fellow Dungeon Keepers.

Like the average siege, this shrine updates at a leisurely pace and you can pick it up any time you like. It's not quite a wiki, but it promises to be as informative as one. It's what we creatures of the night all deserve...Because it's good to be bad.

Using this Site

Here's some pointers for using Brimstone. It's a modest little shrine, but this site is for you first.

Featured Creature (06/10/24)

"Behold a Salamander; graceful ancient lizard who cannot be harmed by fire. He'll even wade through lava streams with no impediment."
- The Mentor, Campaign Mode

"A Salamander has joined you. These reptiles are extremely hot-blooded, and will happily wade through lava."
- The Mentor, My Pet Dungeon Mode.

Dare to click?

Here's a silly little thing I've coded for you before you go sniffing about this place. Give the button a click, it'll give you a random quote.